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Showing posts with the label air

Top 7 Breathing Techniques for Stress Relief and More

  A common slogan among asthmatics is, "If you can't breathe, nothing else matters," reflecting the hope of a person who can't breathe life-giving air . Why breathe the air that gives life to the whole story? This article takes common breathing tips and gives reasons why they work. It goes further and provides an essential element in breathing techniques for better health . Breathing is one of the most centralized autonomic movements that involve simple filling of the lungs . Garcia AJ wrote in 2011: The system that generates breathing rhythms consists of micro-networks that work. The results of Garcia's research can be better observed when people to strong emotions such as fear and anger . The main tip for breathing is to lose self-control and take a deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth and pursed lips . Dr. Karla Naumburg, of "Ready, Set, Breathe" fame, recommends incorporating breathing exercises into everyday life . By forgetting

5 Tips to Protect your Baby from Air Pollution

  We all know that children love to play, especially outside. Also, they are naive and do not understand the importance of maintaining health and hygiene for well-being . In such a scenario, parents should play the main role and take optimal care of their children to prevent health problems . One of the biggest problems facing cities today is air pollution. The air we breathe is getting worse and causing several respiratory diseases in people . Also, hosting children is more likely to be sensitive, and get colds, throat infections, and breathing problems . To ensure the safety of children, parents should wash with soapy water or hand sanitizer, use sanitizer, use masks, etc. they need to understand hygiene guidelines and practices such as Here are some important tips to keep your child safe and healthy from poor air quality . 3 ways to protect your children from bad AQI Check air quality A meter is the best way to know how bad the air quality is for your kids to play outside and breath