Any pain in or around the tooth is called toothache. If you have a toothache, whether it is severe and sudden or continuous and continuous, it cannot be ignored . Temporary swelling of the gums causes minor toothache. Brushing, flossing, and cleaning your teeth twice a year with fluoride toothpaste can prevent minor toothaches . Best Dentist in New City Calcutta uses fluoride and sealants to protect children's teeth . Toothaches caused by oral and dental problems do not heal on their own and should be treated by the best dentist in Kolkata . Causes toothache Tooth decay: Tooth decay can cause very little toothache. Cavities can pierce teeth and enamel, causing toothache and sensitivity Guest Post. Sometimes the infection spreads to the tooth and causes swelling and severe pain. As a result, you feel intense pain all over your mouth, making it difficult to bite down exactly where it hurts. As it can lead to bone and tissue loss, it should be treated by the best dentist in Kol...
We will write and publish articles on health-related topics. Health care is a broad set of services and resources that help improve the quality of life by assessing, maintaining, and restoring a person's physical and mental health.