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Showing posts with the label bv cure

Bacterial vaginosis: an update on diagnosis and treatment

  Bacterial vaginosis: An update on diagnosis and treatment Treatment of BV Despite extensive therapeutic research, BV remains difficult to treat, and clinicians are ill-equipped to treat BV in the long term . Furthermore, the evaluation of available evidence. BV treatment options are hampered by methodological problems. The basis of BV treatment Treatment for BV is aimed at resolving or reducing symptoms, usually a foul-smelling discharge . BV can resolve on its own without treatment; but, it often recurs over a long period. Because BV recurrence is common, treatment for BV also focuses on preventing BV recurrence . Secondary BV treatment aims to prevent BV-related infectious complications and so includes treatment of asymptomatic BV . Meaning of treatment The evaluation of the therapeutic effectiveness of a given treatment depends on the clinical context . Such an assessment will be made . In clinical practice, BV treatment is usually considered correct if the patient reports t...