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Showing posts with the label pain

How to Spot the Best About leg cramps at night for You

  Nocturnal leg cramps, also known as muscle cramps or Charlie horses, affect your legs, calves, and thigh muscles at night . It can affect you while you sleep or wake up and disturb your sleep. A muscle strain causes moderate to severe discomfort or stiffness in this area. Read this article to learn what Orthopedic Specialist Dr. Rabi Kumar has to say about the causes, treatment, and prevention of bunions . Causes leg cramps at night Although the exact cause is unknown, there may be several factors that can lead to leg cramps at night. Some of them are as follows: You may have leg cramps at night due to muscle fatigue or nerve damage. Athletes are more likely to get leg cramps after vigorous or vigorous activity that causes muscles to overextend . Inactivity during the day, such as sitting for long periods, can also cause leg cramps at night. This causes your muscles to tighten, which increases the risk of cramping. People who exercise have less foot pain. Your body position cause...

Have earache? Eat raw garlic, pour oil in your ears or water

Have earache? Eat raw garlic, pour oil in your ears or water through your nostrils – home remedies from Ayurveda,   Do you have ears? Eat raw garlic, put oil in your ears, or pour water in your nose - Ayurvedic home remedies approved by Western doctors Ear pain occurs during cold and flu, during or after air travel. Traditional Indian medicine, or Ayurveda, has several home remedies to get rid of it Measure the ears - add essential oil to the ear canal and massage it - chew raw garlic and use compresses between. It also has tips for ear health Earaches are more common during colds and flu because viral infections can spread through the sinuses and become trapped in the middle and inner ear . While medicine or a visit to the clinic can fix ear problems, many home remedies can be used in traditional Indian medicine . Also is known as Ayurveda. Karna Purana or ear anointing is one such practice. Karna means ear in ancient Sanskrit. Have questions about the world's biggest topics and...

Joint Pain - Best tips Symptoms and Causes treatment

  Joint pain can be caused by too much activity, trauma, or improper movement. Injuries are a very common cause of joint pain in adults. These injuries can occur during vigorous activity or after a serious accident. The most common causes of this type of pain usually result. From overuse or excessive exertion of the joint. Overuse or over-stressing of a joint is common for athletes and professional athletes. And those involved in contact sports. Some examples of overuse injuries include sprains, tendonitis, bursitis, and muscle strains. An accident-causing severe physical damage to one or more joints can also lead to joint pain and swelling . Common causes of this type of pain include trauma (e.g., fall, auto-accident), rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis, tendon rupture, and congenital muscle Arthritis occurs when the cartilage cushions the joints. Becomes dry, inflamed, brittle, and damaged. Common symptoms of arthritis include stiffness and swelling. And clicking or crepitus in th...