Have doctors around the world observed November as Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month? Find out how you can join the global campaign to fight cancer and help raise awareness of this deadly disease . Guest Posting the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, founded in 1999. In 2016, several member countries came together to build the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition . The reason was to spread awareness about the deadly disease and to find support for pancreatic cancer survivors . Health professionals, cancer research organizations, and medical. On November 18, the medical fraternity is uniting to shed light on pancreatic cancer, its symptoms, and risk factors . Why Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month is needed in India? Although the incidence of the disease is low in India, the survival rate is abysmal. Part of the reason for the low survival rate lies in the fact that pancreatic cancer is a silent killer. And when patients realize something is wrong, cancer metastasizes. Pancreatic Can...
We will write and publish articles on health-related topics. Health care is a broad set of services and resources that help improve the quality of life by assessing, maintaining, and restoring a person's physical and mental health.