Any pain in or around the tooth is called toothache. If you have a toothache, whether it is severe and sudden or continuous and continuous, it cannot be ignored. Temporary swelling of the gums causes minor toothache. Brushing, flossing, and cleaning your teeth twice a year with fluoride toothpaste can prevent minor toothaches. Best Dentist in New City Calcutta uses fluoride and sealants to protect children's teeth. Toothaches caused by oral and dental problems do not heal on their own and should be treated by the best dentist in Kolkata.
Tooth decay: Tooth decay can cause very little toothache. Cavities can pierce teeth and enamel, causing toothache and sensitivity Guest Post. Sometimes the infection spreads to the tooth and causes swelling and severe pain.
As a result, you feel intense pain all over your mouth, making it difficult to bite down exactly where it hurts. As it can lead to bone and tissue loss, it should be treated by the best dentist in Kolkata as soon as possible.
Gum Disease: Gum disease is an infection of the gums. Causes swelling and inflammation of the gums. Periodontitis occurs when the gums become inflamed due to infection. An untreated infection will lead to bone loss and gum disease. So, the tooth is removed from the tooth and causes a pocket to form, which then becomes infected with bacteria. Plaque can then build up on the root surface of the tooth, causing decay and sensitivity.
Grinding teeth: Grinding teeth can cause pain in the neck, jaw, and other muscles. The dentist can do this while sleeping or under stress. The jaw is clenched and if the teeth are overcrowded, the teeth rub hard against each other.
Sensitivity: Sometimes cold weather, drinks, and certain foods hurt your teeth. It means you have developed sensitivity to one or more stimuli, such as cold air. Exposed dentin causes tooth sensitivity. Damaged fillings, broken teeth, and cavities can expose dentin. Gum disease can cause tooth sensitivity due to reduced gum tissue that exposes the teeth.
Symptoms of toothache
Many types of a toothache can be avoided by maintaining proper oral hygiene. If you are familiar with some types of toothache, you can talk to your dentist about treatment options and preventive measures. Toothache symptoms include a sharp, throbbing, and constant sensation in the tooth, headache, fever, bad breath, swelling around the tooth, discharge from the infected tooth, etc.
What is the treatment for a toothache?
A toothache caused by a nerve infection may must a root canal. Bacteria cause a tooth infection that penetrates the root of the tooth.
Dentists prescribe antibiotics to patients with jaw swelling and fever. Reconstruction procedures are performed after the initial treatment of pain and infection. In the meantime, you can continue school or work. In some cases, the dentist decides to perform more surgery.
Dentists will prescribe chlorhexidine mouthwash to treat tooth decay. A dentist will perform a fluoride treatment or prescribe a fluoride rinse to treat or prevent tooth decay. Also to clean your teeth with special toothpaste for tooth sensitivity, the dentist will apply fluoride to your teeth.
The dentist plans to numb the gums with anesthesia before removing them from the gum line using a special tool.
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