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Why Do You Feel Exhausted? Top 12 Reasons (Plus Solutions)

 Many people complain of feeling tired all the time, with as many as 90% of adults saying that they don't get enough sleep. But feeling tired isn't about the hours spent asleep. Quality of sleep is also a significant factor in how well-rested and healthy a person feels.


Let's consider some reasons why you could be so tired all the time.

- It's important to check if there's an underlying health condition. Feeling tired, with low energy levels may be indicative of a health-related issue, so it's worth booking a check-up. With your family doctor.

- Boredom and low mood can result in reduced energy levels, as well as feelings of apathy, inertia, and ongoing tiredness. Notice if this continues, as an inability to be interested, motivated, and inspired. What's happening around you can be symptomatic of depression and other health-related concerns.

- Stress may be an important factor in how tired you feel. Living with constant stress puts your mental and physical well-being at risk and, if left unchecked, can become a cause for serious concern. Being stressed can impact a good night's sleep. With those worries playing on your mind and disturbing your ability to relax and rest. Notice if your dreams have become troublesome or disturbing. They can be an indicator that you have problems playing on your mind.

- Supporting healthy habits can improve your well-being and quality of sleep. Good dietary habits, with fresh fruit and vegetables, less junk and processed foods, plenty of good hydration, more water, and less caffeine, and pop drinks are important. As is fresh air and regular exercise, often important ways to take a break and manage your stress levels.
Supporting healthy habits

- Becoming more organized can help you feel less tired and overwhelmed. Some people are reactive, which may well result in them working on several tasks. At once, starting a new one as soon as they're asked, rather than completing the task already in hand. A chaotic and often unproductive use of their time! It can be more beneficial to list all that needs to be done and then plan.

- Delegating is often a useful step, which at home may include giving children responsibility for some chores. This can help clear your mind and encourage others to become more appreciative of what they have. Being proactive at work may involve becoming less obliging and handing over work to others, resulting in them learning new skills. Sometimes hiring help at home, with tasks like cleaning, ironing, and gardening, or at work, with admin, book-keeping, and PR, can free up some time and be money well spent.

- Certain areas enjoy being kept free of clutter, even if there's a backlog of impending work that needs your attention. When you need a good night's sleep it's especially important to be disciplined about having a clear bedroom, ensuring. You have a calm refuge that's tidy and peaceful. Turn off your tech, leave your phone charging elsewhere, enjoy a relaxing bath or shower and unwind in the peace and calm of your own, special place.

- Also check on how comfortable is your bedroom. The quality of your mattress, pillows, and linen can make all the difference. Clean sheets are on top of many people's wish lists with a little lavender in the final rinse. Also, the temperature of your bedroom. We sleep better in a cooler bedroom
comfortable is your bedroom.

- The change in seasons can impact how well we sleep, with the dark, cold nights of autumn and winter often introducing a hibernating mentality. Invest time and effort into making your home cozy, bright, and cheerful, paying particular attention to lighting. Lamps, wall lights, and candles are often more soothing than severe, overhead lighting. Create a cozy atmosphere that supports a relaxing mood.

- Throughout the colder months, wrap up warm and get outside to top up your vitamin D and daylight levels. Autumn and winter can be a time to enjoy cozy evenings shared with family and friends. A brisk walk kicking through fallen leaves and then home to a warming soup or casserole. Followed by board games or a good book can be a positive way to unwind and enjoy the darker seasons.

- And during the lighter days and nights take opportunities for walks, outdoor sports, activities, and entertainment. Plant your garden, even grow your fruit and vegetables. All ways to support an active lifestyle, whilst also being an investment in your health and well-being.

- Finding balance in life is not always easy. Sometimes we may be too busy, and other times quiet, with both situations being stressful. So affecting our ability to sleep well. Being over-tired or under-occupied can be helped by finding ways to use your time well, schedule breaks, invest in fun, exercise, and reinforce your sense of feeling valued and valuable.
Finding balance

Adopting good self-care and quality 'me time can be a satisfying approach to good health. And well-being and hence be a refreshing way to ensure a good night


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