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10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism diet

Learn how nutrition advice from Health Loft can help your metabolism

You know people who can eat mountains of food and still not gain weight. All those people who shake their heads in disbelief when you tell them how hard it is to lose weight; will respond by telling you that it was harder to gain weight. You envy and doubt them in equal measure, but believe that they are not lying and they envy you even more. cursed I've been slim ever since I can remember. This is not because I follow the advice of any nutritionist or registered dietitian or undergo nutritional counseling. Up until my 20s, I would have considered this a blessing, but over the past few years, my metabolic abilities have proven to be a curse. Like most of my friends, I went to grammar school. I saw a massive increase in strength and size within a few weeks. Bolstered by this development, I stuck to a consistent routine. I kept the same diet, devouring plates of food, but adjusting my routine every few days to respond to my changing body. My body was changing until it settled down within a few months.
I noticed that my other friends and gym mates would still swell up, but I stayed in my new normal. optimistic, like all young adults, I remained in denial and, like a blindfolded horse, did not change my ways. I continued the same training. I pushed and pulled harder and practiced longer but it stayed the same. In retrospect, nothing changed because I refused to change.
Muscles are made in the kitchen

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results,” Einstein once remarked. I was crazy in my blind pursuit of profits and it became clear to me when I came across a Youtube video. The certified trainer and nutritionist talked about nutrition counseling and diet.

metabolism diet

He said that muscles are not made in the gym, they are broken in the gym. I slept well and ate well, I thought. But, that belief crumbled faster than my quadriceps after a leg workout as I watched the entire video.

I slept well, but I didn't eat well at all. I ate anything and everything that came my way and it didn't go down. I needed a meal plan that could complement my exercise plan. I was overwhelmed at the prospect of planning my meals until I came across the Health Loft.

Nutrition is more than the quantity of food

I was worried and doubted that I should reach out to a registered dietitian and seek nutritional advice, but the comments and reviews from customers allayed my fears enough to book my first session. The first session tore any remaining doubts to shreds.

The first session was with Morgan, a Registered Nutritionist at the Health Loft. We discussed my daily diet, lifestyle, and other related factors. Morgan gave constructive feedback on my current eating and told me to dive deeper into it over the next few sessions.

It was her knowledge and the customer care offered by Healthloft that kept me coming back for more. Over the next several sessions, we planned my meals for the day and discussed preparation methods that would ensure I not only met my calorie goals but my nutritional goals as well.

What impressed me about my sessions was the level of expertise and depth of understanding that made the nutrition counseling sessions personal and effective. Morgan helped me understand that when it comes to nutrition, there is a lot more at play than income.

I was eating a lot even before the nutritionist's advice, but I was having bad digestion because I was eating all the wrong things at the wrong time and in the wrong way. I was doing the right thing in all the wrong ways. Healthloft not only showed me the right path but helped me walk it. And today my physique speaks for itself.


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