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Best top 10 pain management physiotherapy know the benefits

 Physiotherapy is today a completely separate medical profession and practice. It helps us solve many types of health problems. In this article, we will discuss how physiotherapy can help us manage different types of body-related pain.

We all feel some pain in our daily life. If you are over 40, then dealing with suffering can be a matter of everyday life. It is very painful to live with. But, there is an effective way to manage your irritation and that is physiotherapy.

Apart from taking painkillers, people can take the help of professional physical therapists to manage their agony. Some types of pain management must be medication. But most other types of irritation can be managed with physiotherapy and give us complete relief.

Types of pain

We are generally aware of headaches, and shoulder, neck, back, and knee pain. But, pain can be divided into two different categories – acute and chronic irritation.

Acute pain

A sudden irritation that is short-lived can be classified as acute pain. It has specific causes, tissue and bone injuries. These kinds of agony can last up to six months. But if people get proper treatment, then it goes away.
Acute pain

Some of the common causes of acute pain are:

Muscle injuries
Bone injury
Dental treatment
Labor and childbirth
Chronic irritation
Chronic pain
Pain that sticks with us for quite a long time (usually longer than six months) will be classified as chronic pain. Sometimes it comes with injury. But, the irritation persists even after the injury has healed. It is also a recurring resource that comes and goes with time.

Chronic irritation can also be classified into four different categories. These are:-

Nociceptive pain

We all have pain receptors for tissue injury. These are known as Nociceptors. When these Nocipetors are simulated by any kind of injury, they send electrical signals to our brains. It causes us agony, which is known as Nociceptive Irritation.

Neuropathic pain

When our nervous system is damaged or dysfunctional, we can feel irritation. These are called neuropathic pain. Damaged or dysfunctional nerves miss pain signals to the brain that cause us to feel irritation.

Many sclerosis, spinal cord injury, agony after stroke, diabetic neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, etc. are some common types of neuropathic irritation.

Mixed pain
Some examples of mixed irritation are the lower back, fibromyalgia, and cancer-related agony, etc.

Visceral pain

When our internal organs are damaged or injured, it causes us to feel agony. This type of irritation is known as visceral irritation. Chest, pelvic and abdominal pain is visceral pain. Some examples of this type of agony are inflammatory bowel syndrome, internal organ irritation, etc.

How can physical therapy relieve pain?

There are two ways that physical therapy can help relieve pain – active therapy and passive therapy. Physiologists can use any of the methods below.

Heat therapy

Heat can warm our muscles, and increase blood circulation. It can soothe pain and discomfort in specific irritated areas and increase muscle flexibility.

Ice pack therapy

Therapy based on an ice pack is also called cryotherapy. Cold reduces blood flow to a certain area from where the irritation originates. In this way, inflammation and swelling can be reduced, thereby relieving agony.

Manual therapy

Physiotherapists use their hands to apply pressure to muscle tissues and manipulate joint areas. It's called manual therapy. Messaging is also part of this process.

Electrical therapy

The pain signal to the brain can be disrupted by sending electrical impulses. Physiotherapists can thus relieve you of various types of pain. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is an example of such a therapy.

Flask therapy

Physiologists often use a rubber pump or cup to create a vacuum by pulling an area of ​​skin into the suction. It relaxes muscles and connective tissues. It helps increase our body's healing processes by promoting blood flow to the area of ​​pain. This is how cupping therapy works.

Dry needling therapy

Often, Dry Needling therapy works better than massage therapy. It hits the trigger point of irritation and removes the pain signal. In this way, this type of therapy can relieve agony, and improve the healing process of muscle tissue and other functions.

Various other common physiotherapy procedures
Different types of exercise-based physical therapy can help people manage their pain. Some of them are:-

Pain relief exercises such as yoga, meditation, postures, and relaxation exercises aim to strengthen the muscle spasm area that helps us get rid of the irritation.

Stretching and range of motion exercises are also better for dealing with various types of muscle and bone pain.

Some muscle and bone-strengthening exercises, such as push-ups, squats, and lunges, work the core muscles of our body. Physiotherapists often recommend them for pain relief.

Different aerobic exercises are also useful for different types of pain therapy.


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