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How to Get Rid of Acne: Top 13 Home Remedies for Pimples

 The ears are one of the worst places for acne. The problem with bubbles is that when one pops up, you can bet that others will follow if you don't act fast. The only thing you can't do is play with the earwax or even rub it because this will cause others to form in its place. There are better ways to get rid of pimples in your ears. Here are 13 home remedies you can try.

Pimple Ear

1. Garlic paste

Garlic is a powerful herb used in many of our dishes. It can also help you get rid of pimples on your ears. It has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that will help kill the pathogens that cause acne and prevent the formation of others. It also helps with other acne problems such as swelling and reducing pain.

Garlic paste
Cut the garlic bulb and rub the open side on the earlobe. You can also crush garlic cloves, mix them with oil and whisk the oil into a paste. The healing properties of garlic will clear up ear infections over time.

2. Red onion

Onions, like
garlic, have powerful healing properties. You can use onions to treat ear infections. cut, crush and squeeze the juice with a cotton ball. Due to its ability to fight harmful pathogens, it will heal acne. It will also prevent other breakouts in the area which is a great bonus.
Red onion

3. Aloe vera

You can also use aloe vera gel to get rid of ear pimples. Aloe vera gel has been used for years to clear infections and promote wound healing. It has strong antibacterial properties that will dry up ear pimples and help the affected area heal.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera is available in many gardens. cut the leaves, peel, and scoop out the jelly. Apply the gel to the acne and it will disappear soon. You can also be sure that no more ear pimples will develop.

4. Apple cider vinegar

People often use apple cider vinegar in their salad dressings, but it can also help get rid of a pimple in your ear. It contains antibacterial and astringent properties that can kill and dry the pathogens that cause acne. Use a cotton pad to dab apple cider vinegar throughout the day. In three days, you will see the rash clear.
Apple cider vinegar

5. Basil

Herbs and spices help the taste of our food, but many also have medicinal properties. Basil is one of the herbs that can be used for ear acne. It has antibacterial properties and will do wonders for your acne. Peel some basil leaves and extract the water from them. Using a cotton ball, dab basil juice on the pimple and anywhere around it. You will soon find that the pain subsides and the pimples will clear up in a short time.

6. Olive oil

Olive oil is rich in polyphenols and works well in skin care. You can also use it to treat ear infections. Apply it on the affected area and it will dissolve the dirt and open the pores. Clogged pores often lead to acne, so cleaning them will speed up the healing of ear acne.
Olive oil

7. Tea tree oil

Another oil that can be used to treat ear acne is tea tree oil. It has antibacterial properties and kills harmful germs that cause ear infections. It will also relieve pain by reducing swelling and inflammation. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil in some water and use an earwax to apply the solution to the earwax. Do this as much as you like until the rash heals.
Tea tree oil

8. Tea

Who knew tea bags could be a cure for acne? Black tea bags can help you get rid of ear pimples fast. Tea contains compounds called tannins, which have strong astringent properties. Immerse the tea bag in hot water, steep for one minute, and squeeze out the excess water. Place a warm tea bag on the acne and leave it for 15 minutes. Allow time for the tannins from the tea bags to absorb into the acne. Do this at least twice a day. It will soothe any pain and heal acne within days.

9. Tomato juice

There are many things in the kitchen that can be used to treat problems such as infections and ear infections. Tomatoes are one of the things that can be used to clear ear acne. It is rich in antioxidants and its juice has powerful antibacterial properties. Applying tomato juice on ear acne will dry it out and kill all the pathogens that cause it to develop.
Mix the tomatoes and apply the juice to the ear canal with a cotton ball. Leave the tomato juice for some time and clean the area with clean water. Do this and your acne will heal.

10. Lime

Lemon is a great weapon against acne. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and apply it to the ear canal using a cotton ball. Mix lemon juice with a little water as it can be too strong on its own. Will treat the rash and kill.

11. Honey
Honey is often used in skin remedies because it contains lots of antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties. It also prevents or reduces inflammation. Using an earbud, apply some honey on the pimple. Let it sit for some time and clean the honey away with a wet cotton bud. Repeat this morning and evening, and your pimple will soon be a thing of the past.

12. Salt
Salt has been used to sterilize wounds for a long time. It often comes in handy where other astringents are unavailable. It's a quick and straightforward remedy to help heal an ear pimple. Make a salt solution using salt and water. Then, using a piece of cotton wool, clean the area with the pimple using the salt solution. It will get rid of any bacteria and also dry out the pimple fast.

We often overlook milk as a remedy for pimples yet it's an excellent home remedy for pimples and other skin infections. It contains alpha hydroxy acids that will unclog the pores thereby hastening the healing process. Using a piece of cotton wool, rub some milk on the pimple two to three times a day. You can leave the cotton wool on the pimple for some time and then clean the area with some lukewarm salty water. Within a few days, the pimple will heal, and you will be free of pain and discomfort. Home remedies for ear pimples are great. The ear is a sensitive place, and you cannot afford to use harsh chemicals on it. Using these home remedies is a great way to protect your ear canal while providing relief and healing. Try one of these remedies the next time you or a friend has to deal with an ear pimple, and you will not be disappointed.


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