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Top 10 Marijuana as Safe as We Think? Myths and Facts

  "Then what's the problem? Legal for God's sake!" It is even used for all sorts of things. Should you stop smoking? Good. Stay out of my things; you don't know the truth. Also, does this house have special equipment called a "liquor cabinet"? So hypocritical of me, right? You are yours, and so am I. Are you also legal but never used drugs? it does more harm than good. All that I know. As I have said a million times, it is good. Get a message. good, relaxed, creative, and relaxed, what's wrong? You should not overreact and try to manage everything. encouraged me not to do much. I don't know why you don't get it. "



This discussion/discussion has been around for generations, but not as much as in the last 10-15 years since legalization and medical use became commonplace. Not only has legalization increased the use of cannabis, but it seems to be more permissive towards cannabis where it is legal. Awareness of the dangers of addiction is reduced in these countries, and drug use is increasing. Perceived risk has been declining for more than a decade. In 2014, less than half of high school-age adults thought regular drug use was very risky. The lowest number in more than 40 years.

Families and parents are often unaware of the risks of drug use, whether it is legal or not. They know more than they know, and many choose to ignore or deny it. Or deny the vast amount of science that warns of serious risks and harms.

Advertisers in states where marijuana is legal are marketing to youth through free print ads and funny pictures. Of course, where there is profit, manufacturers and even state legislators. Will be drawn in and have incentives to attract younger users.

Drug supply capacity is now stronger than in previous decades. Thirty years ago, the concentration of THC in cannabis was between 5-10%. Now the capacity is more than 30%. This complicates and compounds the risks, harms, and problems associated with use. concentrated hemp resin, which contains higher levels of THC, is also dangerous today

One major concern is that some scientific studies have shown serious risks and harms from chronic drug use, while others have not. Anatomical and functional damage to the young brain has been reported, including impairments in memory, attention, judgment, and learning. This leads to poor school performance and increased dropout rates. Dependence on social help, increased unemployment, and reduced life satisfaction. Chronic exposure in adolescence is associated with an 8-point decrease in IQ, compared to that seen in lead poisoning.

During the neurodevelopmental years,

The brain is more sensitive and vulnerable to the toxic effects of cannabis. The negative effects of gray matter density and the nucleus accumbens, the brain's center for "satisfaction," include dopamine. Which affects appetite, and serotonin, which affects satiety and inhibition. This area is important for motivation, reward, emotion, memory, and pleasure. Also, repeated exposure has been shown to damage the frontal cortex of the brain. This area of ​​the brain is important for planning, identity, judgment, and decision-making. Besides, the brain's endocannabinoid system is altered and reduced by repeated exposure. This internal system consists of physiological mechanisms that respond to. THC (tetra-endocannabinoid) - the high-yielding psychosomatic component of cannabis.

Teenagers, in particular,

Are more vulnerable to the serious side effects of drug use. A study found that a "subgroup of children treated for bronchiolitis" had marijuana metabolites. Their urine and thus experienced unexpected harm. In this study, parents who smoked told the researchers that they no longer smoked and that they now smoked drugs. As a result, "kids are exposed to very low levels of tobacco smoke..." (MD Magazine: Field Report: Colorado Marijuana Laws Harm Kids; Karen N. Wilson; December 2016).

Some studies have found no neurological changes,

But the risk is too severe and harmful to cancel. Longitudinal studies, when data are collected on the same subject at the same time, will start soon. The National Institute on Drug Abuse will conduct the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD). Which will follow 10,000 adults nationwide for a decade. This research will try to determine the effect of pre.

No matter what is revealed in the future,

Current neuroscience points to marijuana as an addictive substance. With particular damage likely to adolescent brains and function. Parents need to be well informed and conversant with their children often. The medical uses for a variety of disorders are very beneficial to many. But, legalization, will likely include more states and medical uses. Should not be construed and confused with safety and harmlessness.

Don't Suffer Alone...

Charles E Meusburger, MD is a licensed, board-certified diplomat of Psychiatry & Neurology and board certified in Addiction Medicine- specializing in Adult and Adolescent Psychiatry, Addiction Psychiatry, Effective Talking Therapies, and Medication Evaluation Management, practicing for over 25 Years. With experience helping people to make their lives better and happier.


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