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What is Hyperacusis?Definition Symptoms Causes Diagnosis best Treatment

 How can you get hyperacusis?

Hyperacusis is a hearing disorder in which sound seems louder than it is. This can make some sounds unbearable, guest posts painful, or even unbearable to listen to. Hyperacusis can also cause balance problems and headaches in some people. There are many different causes of hyperacusis, including ear infections, head trauma, ototoxic medications, noise exposure (eg, loud music), stress or anxiety disorders, Meniere's disease, and more.

What is hyperacusis?

Hyperacusis is a hearing disorder in which sound seems louder than it is. A person with hyperacusis often complains that sounds are too loud or painful. People with hyperacusis may often feel anxious, irritable, angry, upset, or depressed for no clear reason throughout the day. Others may have difficulty concentrating because they are trying to avoid sounds. There are two types of hyperacusis: painful and painless. The two conditions are similar in that they both cause certain frequencies to appear louder than before. But, the causes of each type differ.

What are the symptoms of hyperacusis?

Common symptoms of hyperacusis include:

Extreme sensitivity to noise
and a painful reaction when exposed to certain sounds.
In some cases, distorted or muffled hearing.
Lack of sleep due to the need to escape the sound at night.
Other symptoms may include (but are not limited to): nausea, and increased heart.
These are the most prominent signs that other people can observe. But, there are also internal influences that are not detected, such as brain wave (EEG) changes. Hyperacusis causes stress on the central nervous system even without an external sound.

What are the causes of hyperacusis?

Causes of hyperacusis with pain may include:

Meniere's disease.
Acoustic trauma or noise-induced hearing loss.
Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
Causes of pain-free hyperacusis may include:

Disorders of the cervical spine, such as spondylosis and disc bulging or protrusion, lead to the narrowing of the cervical canals and intervertebral foramina. This causes increased stress on certain cranial.
Central nervous system (CNS) conditions such as migraines.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
How to reduce the risk of hyperacusis?

You can reduce your risk of developing hyperacusis by avoiding noise and wearing.

Noise-canceling headphones
How to treat and manage hyperacusis?

There is currently no treatment for hyperacusis. But, there are ways to reduce the severity of symptoms, including:

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) replaces the sound in your tinnitus with a pleasant sound that reduces the perception of intensity and the discomfort associated with it. This can also help reduce the level of pain associated with hyperacusis.
Desensitization therapies such as CI therapy are effective for some individuals, but not for all. It is not known why some individuals respond to this type of therapy while others do not.
Assistive devices are also very effective at reducing sensitivity levels by providing background noise for the ears, making other sounds tolerable. This can be useful when work or living environments become difficult due to loud noises.
Habituation therapies such as mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and acceptance commitment.
There are also a variety of devices available for people with hyperacusis that produce white noise and pink noise.
It is important to note that these treatments must a significant amount of time and effort on the behalf.

Prevention tips for people with sensitivity to sound or noise

People with noise sensitivity should stay away from noisy environments such as rock concerts, nightclubs, and construction sites. People who are hypersensitive to sound should wear earplugs when attending events or going to places with a lot of noise. This will help reduce the volume level in their ears so they can enjoy themselves.

Hyperacusis is a very real thing that needs to be addressed. We need to protect ourselves from getting it by taking precautions, including learning how sound can affect our hearing, wearing earplugs in noisy situations, and making sure we don't amplify sounds too much through headphones or speakers. If you think you might have hyperacusis or your ears start to hurt after listening to certain tones for a long time. You can also get hearing aid batteries online in Sri Lanka if you run out and usually hearing aid prices are reasonable in Sri Lanka. It will take some work on our part to make this world safer, but everyone has a part to play.


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