Actress, 30, beaten by a stranger, diagnosed with a brain tumor, and run over by a car at the hospital
There's a reason she's been called the "happiest woman in the world."
As if breaking her jaw after being punched in the face by a homeless man during an unprovoked attack. Wasn't bad enough, social media star Alli McLaren's broken jaw soon led to her being diagnosed. With a brain tumor - and then being run over by a car on the way to radiation therapy.
"I'm that friend who lives 'can't break the drama lifestyle,'" McLaren, 30, a Los Angeles transplant from Australia. Said in her viral TikTok testimonial.
In the clip, which has garnered over 1.6 million views, the content creator and aspiring actress, shared her dating woes. With The Post in August 2021, two months before her life changed, detailed a series of unfortunate and life-threatening events . she endured, beginning with her attack in October 2021.
"He crossed the road and I caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye. He ran right at me and punched me,” McLaren told Media Drum. "My phone went through and it shattered on impact and I fell. It all happened in about two seconds."
Immediately following the violent assault, McLaren sought medical attention at an urgent care facility in West Hollywood. There, doctors said he "looked fine" and dismissed their concerns.
A few months later, when her teeth started falling out of her mouth while driving. The dentist confirmed that her jaw had been broken as a result of a home invasion.
After attempts to fix her jaw back into place failed, McLaren was forced to wait another two months before undergoing oral surgery to fix the fracture.
August 2021 flashback: Alli McLaren told The Post: “Situations” arise because men “want to cheat and don’t feel bad about it.” August 2021 flashback: McLaren told The Post “situations” arise because men “want to cheat and don't feel bad about it." Things took a dark turn two months later. Submitted photo
She explained on TikTok: "I had to have jaw surgery to fix it and my immune system was super weak and I ended up getting an infection and pneumonia."
But during a bout of pneumonia, she fell and hit her head, causing a traumatic brain injury that triggered back-to-back seizures.
two months after receiving seizure treatment, McLaren began experiencing more seizures and vomiting, as well as suffering from mood swings, inexplicable anger, and confusion.
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